Polly’s Reiki Journey

My husband and I had been volunteering on and off with a non-profit animal rescue. On February 4, 2020, I saw Polly’s pictures on their website and knew I needed to foster her. She was rescued from Puerto Rico after being hit by an ambulance. She was dragging her back leg and her pelvis had been broken in half. The rescue notified me that she would be scheduled for an amputation once she regained her strength.

A few weeks into fostering her, she still hadn’t improved and would oftentimes cry for minutes if I touched her in the wrong spot. Every time she had to go out I had to hold her back half off the ground as she couldn’t crouch. Someone close to me mentioned that I should try to heal her using energy work since she wasn’t improving. This changed both Polly and my lives.

Without any instruction on any healing modality, I intuitively worked on her for about 20 minutes every night. After the third night, she started waiting for me and would lick me the entire time. During these healing sessions, I would concentrate on repairing her bones and nerves at the molecular level. I knew from so many years in school how the body did this. Within two weeks, she stopped dragging her back leg and was running. On April 1, 2020, less than 9 weeks after we started to foster her, she was in her new home. The rescue did not believe that she was ready for adoption and asked for video proof. Her adopters later reached out to tell me that their veterinarian didn’t believe that the x-rays belonged to her. He said that she should never have been able to jump again with her injuries and she was jumping at the appointment.
